
  • Blog posts in the age of AI

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    A reflection on writing blog posts in the age of AI-generated content

  • Perfect the enemy of good and good the enemy of perfect

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    If perfect is the enemy of good then is good the enemy of perfect?

  • Natural Language Assistants

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    Experimenting with an AI-powered Alexa skill showed the power of natural conversation versus rigid commands, making me excited for assistants to leverage generative AI's nuance and personality to provide more humanized and personalized interactions.

  • iJS London 2023 Recap

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    Attending the iJS conference sparked thoughtful rumination on web performance, API design, and the elephant in the room - how AI will shape the future of web development in ways we can't yet grasp.

  • The streetlights of software engineering

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    Observing varied old streetlights during an evening walk made me reflect on how we maintain 'legacy' code--though it may one day be outdated, focusing on sustainable quality without seeking perfection ensures the 'lights stay on' until it's time to fully replace.

  • Living with the loading bar

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    My impatience with computation wait times while playing with Stable Diffusion showed me how spoiled I've become by instant tech--though optimizing isn't always necessary, I'm learning to embrace brief delays and find balance rather than constantly automation.

  • Crumble in Minecraft

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    After failed attempts at converting a 3D model of my dog Crumble into Minecraft blocks, I realized I was overcomplicating things--so I stopped striving for perfection and just built a fun likeness of him by hand in a couple hours, imperfections and all!

  • Creative Freedom

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    I'm back to the basics just writing HTML and coding for the sheer love of it again--this is true creative freedom!