The streetlights of software engineering

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I was inspired to write this blog post after a evening stroll.

I tend to take a lot of inspiration and philosophy from non-software disciplines such as architecture, civil engineering and other engineering disciplines.

On my evening walk for some reason I acknowledged the streetlights more than I usually would. Many are out and it causes there to be long stretches of darkness on the road. As I walked I observed them more and noticed that they varied so much. Some made of concrete, some out of metal others attached to telegraph poles or trees. Even the lamp itself varied in brightness, colour and bulb type.

These streetlights have been here for many years and the streets themselves have changed over time. The streetlamps being so varied made me reflect on how they are maintained and improved. With them being so varied they must be maintained individually. Replacing only when something needs changing or is broken.

I thought of the engineer who would come out to these streetlights and repair them. Do they see an streetlight that has been running for many years and get an urge to update it? Do they get frustrated about the way things were done when it was first installed? Do they grumble and complain about how things have improved since then?

The same mentality is present in software engineering. Many teams will have some form of "Legacy". I always thought of legacy as a positive word. "This is the legacy I will leave" e.t.c. In the context of software engineering, however, the term 'legacy' is generally seen as negative.

The reason being is that this legacy code is the streetlights when they were first installed. The person who installed them has moved on and technology has moved on too. Over years of neglect and underresourcing the applications becomes a burden to the team. The team now want to get rid of it as fast as they can. Security patches and simple bug fixes are painful because there are no tests, no documentation and no one knows how it works.

What we have to remember is that we are also building this legacy. We may not be around in the same role 5-10 years from now when what we are working on right now is being neglected.

We may like to believe we are using the latest technology and building more maintenable applications but regardless it will still be viewed as legacy one day. Trends change and things move on.

For that reason should we care about the quality of what we build? I would say yes but being mindful. Perfection is an unobtaionable goal. At the end of the day your software won't live forever. How can you build it in a way that is quick and maintainable for the period of time your users will use it.

Just like the streetlights, what choices will you make to make sure the lights stay on before we replace the light completely?